Monday, July 30, 2012

Best options for Walmart and Target.

What to do

You might think stealing from the electronics section is a sure fire way to get the cops called on you, but it's not! You can take many things from the electronics section without anyone even noticing you touched something!

Here is a quick rundown of the valuable items that don't have security features most of the time:

  • Flash drives and removable media, the ones over 16gb will usually be locked to the isle, but an exacto knife fixes that :)
  • DVDs and CDs, becoming less expensive as digital media take hold of the market, people still buy them though
  • Network Adapters, the USB dongles that let you connect to WiFi, they are worth a pretty penny sometimes
  • Lastly a little known one, computer games. Yes, the extremely expensive ones, like Diablo 3 can be taken without anyone knowing you did anything wrong, I will explain this in a later blog post.
Once you have the items, the best thing to do to not raise suspicion is to go get something you are going to purchase and carry that around with the item you are not buying. When you get the chance when you are in an area or isle with no cameras, do what you need to do to make the item safe to take out of the store and get away from that area as fast as possible without running or looking crazy. Then go purchase your item that you wanted, and leave the store.

Congratulations, you just stole something worth value and you can now sell it on craigslist or eBay!

You're a winner!


  1. I like the idea of Diablo three and such for sale. I've been doing this for around 5 years now and have built up some serious experience and skill in the area. I myself am now writing a full manual of what to do, based on my experience. Good luck to you!

  2. If you write a manual about how to steal things like Diablo 3... Means your a fucking nerd and in an attempt to be cool you got away with stealing a pack of gum one time so now your addicted to the feeling thst someone thinks your actually impressive when you come out of the store and your buddys go NO WAY YOU STOLE THAT? If u want cash try return fraud or Receipt fraud of anything besides taking Diablo 3... Brand new that's like 20 bucks you made on Craigslist. You are a fucking retard. Quit before your mom grounds you for a petty theft charge

  3. If you write a manual about how to steal things like Diablo 3... Means your a fucking nerd and in an attempt to be cool you got away with stealing a pack of gum one time so now your addicted to the feeling thst someone thinks your actually impressive when you come out of the store and your buddys go NO WAY YOU STOLE THAT? If u want cash try return fraud or Receipt fraud of anything besides taking Diablo 3... Brand new that's like 20 bucks you made on Craigslist. You are a fucking retard. Quit before your mom grounds you for a petty theft charge

  4. Diabetic strips... Flonase... Alcohol to minors... Clothes and accessories.. Speaker wire.... Tell you what.. If your first thought is to steal Diablo 3.. And you don't get caught... Its cause your a fat fucking nerd and your mom probably takes Xanax which is why you've been raised off video games. Go swipe those and start a real hustle

  5. By the way don't purchase something . unless you want to be caught.

  6. Hahaha "extremely expensive" hey 13 year old that's still petty theft and you also didn't go over anything about removing sensors... How the cameras work... Company policies... Let me put this in words you'll understand .... Kill yourself N000B ROFLMAO

  7. Hahaha "extremely expensive" hey 13 year old that's still petty theft and you also didn't go over anything about removing sensors... How the cameras work... Company policies... Let me put this in words you'll understand .... Kill yourself N000B ROFLMAO

  8. By the way don't purchase something . unless you want to be caught.

    1. Dont tell to much. Someone has to get caught lol. Lp has to keep quota.

  9. Diabetic strips... Flonase... Alcohol to minors... Clothes and accessories.. Speaker wire.... Tell you what.. If your first thought is to steal Diablo 3.. And you don't get caught... Its cause your a fat fucking nerd and your mom probably takes Xanax which is why you've been raised off video games. Go swipe those and start a real hustle

  10. If you write a manual about how to steal things like Diablo 3... Means your a fucking nerd and in an attempt to be cool you got away with stealing a pack of gum one time so now your addicted to the feeling thst someone thinks your actually impressive when you come out of the store and your buddys go NO WAY YOU STOLE THAT? If u want cash try return fraud or Receipt fraud of anything besides taking Diablo 3... Brand new that's like 20 bucks you made on Craigslist. You are a fucking retard. Quit before your mom grounds you for a petty theft charge

  11. I will swallow your soul for wasting my time.
